To Our Community, 

We are proud to introduce Azish Filabi, our new CEO. 

After the devastating loss of Executive Director Bryan Turner, we knew it would be hard to find a replacement. Embarking on a comprehensive search, we identified the ideal candidate and are thrilled that she has come on board.

Azish comes to us from the Federal Reserve Bank of NY, where she has spent the last 8 years. She gained extraordinary experience during the financial crisis as part of the team of lawyers and central bankers implementing the NY Fed’s financial interventions and liquidity facilities. Since 2012 she’s been an Assistant Vice President for ethics and compliance. Previous to her tenure at the Fed, Azish worked as a corporate attorney, and for several non-profits. We knew as soon as we saw her resume that she was perfect for this job. 

Please join us in welcoming Azish Filabi. She can be reached at