Tag Archive for: risk

Good Risk Culture Starts with an Open Conversation
Blog, Corporate Culture, Decision Making, Speak-Up and Call-Out Culture
"The pandemic certainly has awakened many people to the importance of explicitly reckoning with risk," says Michele Wucker, author of the new book You Are What You Risk.
One of the riskiest decisions in my life, I still tend to think, was…

Creating and Maintaining a Healthy Corporate Culture: RANE podcast with Azish Filabi
BlogIn this podcast, (Risk Assessment Network + Exchange) RANE’s Serina Vash sits down with Azish Filabi, Executive Director, Ethical Systems, to discuss what drives a healthy corporate culture and best practices for creating and maintaining that culture. Through research and collaboration with the best academics in the field, Azish dedicates her time to helping businesses assess and promote ethical behavior and culture in their organizations.

Risk assessment: law, economics, morality science…and liquor
Blog[This essay was originally posted on the Conflict of Interest Blog]
Many years ago a client who was in the compliance department of a pharma company told me his strategy for conducting risk assessments. He would schedule the…