Entries by Dan Ariely

Featured Collaborator of the Month: Dan Ariely

Interview with Dan Ariely, the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology & Behavioral Economics at Duke University and columnist for The Wall Street Journal

I study human irrationality in general. I am interested in thinking about how people make mistakes, what kind of mistakes people do, why people make mistakes and how to fix them. These days I am working in several main areas: some research on the psychology of money- to think about why we overspend and under save and what we can do about it. I am also working a little bit on health, i.e. why don’t we take care of ourselves, why we overeat and don’t take our medicine on time, why we procrastinate, and of course, dishonesty, or why people get themselves into trouble.

A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior

[This essay was originally posted on contributor Dan Ariely‘s personal blog.] You make decisions all the time. What should you eat for breakfast? Which route should you take to work? How much are you willing to pay for local, pasture-raised beef over factory farmed, corn-fed meat? Should you go for a run, jog, walk, or […]