Entries by Jonathan Haidt

Rediscovering the Human Purposes of Business, by Mark Goyder

Below is the text of a speech given by Mark Goyder, Founder and Director of Tomorrow’s Company, at the Caux Initiatives for Business Conference, Panchgani India, on 12 November 2013. Goyder sent me (Jon Haidt) the text of this speech when we were first introduced. I loved it. I thought Goyder expressed a vision of business that automatically inspires […]

Making capitalism more ethical: Dynamism with decency

When I tell people I teach business ethics, they often ask: “isn’t that an oxymoron?” Their response is not unwarranted. Much of my course is about the clever ways businesses have found to exploit their workers, sidestep regulations, and foist external costs onto others. Businesspeople are brilliant at finding opportunities and some of those opportunities […]

Making ethics easy: New essay in Ethisphere with Jeff Kaplan

Collaborator Jeff Kaplan and I just published a 3 page guide in Ethisphere Magazine outlining how companies can begin using EthicalSystems.org to create a workplace with higher levels of trust among colleagues and leadership. Ethisphere has kindly allowed us to post a PDF of the article.  You’ll see very little mention of training in our article. Training is important, […]

Our first year

EthicalSystems.org is almost one year old, and like all one-year-olds, it has grown a lot in its first year. When we launched the site in January, we had 18 collaborators, 14 research pages, and no real budget. But we were bound together by the belief that the massive body of research on ethics in organizations […]

City-Level Business Ethics

[Editor’s note: We at EthicalSystems.org have been so pleased to learn about the activities of the Omaha Business Ethics Alliance that we invited its executive director, Beverly Kracher, to write a guest blog post introducing the Alliance. Cities are indeed an important and usually overlooked level in the nested systems that one should look at […]

Profits should be a result of excellence–not the main goal

I recently received an email from Bill Budinger, the founder of Rodel Inc. Bill expressed a core idea of about great leadership: that if you put people and mission before profits, then the profits will flow. Bill went on to explain how putting profits first makes it very difficult to run an ethical company. Bill’s formulation was so […]

Three Stories about the Ethics of Capitalism

[Cross posted from RighteousMind.com. Ethical Systems design is a way to make the 3rd story about capitalism come true] Since moving to the NYU-Stern School of Business in 2011, I’ve been interested in the many ways that moral psychology influences economic thinking. I was surrounded by professors and MBA students who see business as a […]

Five Key Features of a Good Ethics and Compliance Program

There’s a lot of momentum in the corporate world for creating real and effective ethics and compliance programs (spurred on by the incentives in laws such as the Federal Sentencing Guidelines). There’s a lot of wisdom on how to create effective programs at the Deloitte Risk and Compliance Journal, where Keith Darcy and George Hanley just […]

Business Novels and Good Character(s)

THIS IS A GUEST POST, BY CHRISTOPHER MICHAELSON, Associate Professor of ethics and business law at Opus college of Business, University of St. Thomas What books have shaped your personal and professional values? At a World Economic Forum session in Davos a few years ago, a panel of leaders identified four “classics of business literature”: […]