Entries by Bryan Turner

It’s time for policy makers to enter the 21st century

Can you imagine a world where marketers promoted products without knowledge of psychology and persuasion? Well, the equivalent is happening in policy making and international development- in fact it is the standard. Programs are created with people guessing about behavior change and implementation; policies are designed based on mistaken views of human behavior and incentives; […]

(Un)Ethical Behavior in Organizations

Wouldn’t it be helpful if there was a review of some of the most influential, recent work on ethical behavior in organizations?  Well Ethical Systems collaborator Linda Trevino and colleagues have provided just that with their excellent review piece on “(Un)Ethical Behavior in Organizations.”  Trevino’s paper also has the added benefit of applying an ethical-systems […]

2014 Highlights from Our Collaborators

2014 was a busy year. Here are some of the highlights from our collaborators. Dan Ariely’s work on cheating and honesty is being turned into a documentary called (Dis)Honesty: The Truth about Lies Max Bazerman has a new book called The Power of Noticing: What the Best Leaders See Steven L. Blader has a paper […]

How do people change their minds about issues?

How do people change their minds about issues? A respected colleague asked over lunch and it prompted me to write some thoughts down.  Belief change and behavior change (page on that coming soon) can both be instrumental in ethical systems design so it seemed appropriate to share our Cliffs Notes on belief change here. First, […]

Featured Expert of the Month: Max Bazerman

Interview with Professor and Author Max Bazerman  What is the main research themes for which you are known? I believe that I am best known to different groups of scholars for different chunks of work. Perhaps the research of mine that other scholars first noticed was my integration of the field of behavioral decision research […]

The Operating System (OS) of Ethical Business

Bryan Johnson recently made a $100 million gift to launch the OS Fund. The OS Fund invests in bold, high-return ideas that “promise to reinvent the operating systems of life.” Why is this relevant to ethical systems design? Because we’re trying to rewrite the OS of business to make it the primary driver of flourishing […]

Ethical Systems is hiring

We’re hiring an intern and a communications consultant.  Details below.  Is it you or someone you know?  Communications Consultant Do you believe that business can be a much greater force for good in the world?  Do you want to help us make it so? We’re a non-profit collaboration of researchers at America’s top business schools who […]

Collaborators in the news for October

COLLABORATORS IN THE NEWS David Mayer was featured in The trouble with diversity initiatives in the Wall Street Journal and Why workplace diversity efforts struggle in Fortune, both of which site one of his forthcoming papers.  He was also quoted in the Atlantic’s piece on Does testosterone make people greedy? Max Bazerman is featured in […]

Featured Collaborator of the Month: Nicholas Epley

Featured Collaborator of the Month: Professor Nicholas Epley, author of Mindwise: How We Understand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want is the featured collaborator of the month for November.  This section includes: An interview with Professor Epley about his work and ethical systems design A video of a talk he’s given One of his academic […]