4 Pillars of Business Integrity from the World Economic Forum
Blog, Compliance & Ethics Programs, Corporate Culture, Corporate Governance, Corruption, Human Rights
This time last year, I traveled to Dubai to participate in the Global Future Council on Transparency and Anti-Corruption. The World Economic Forum’s Global Future Councils are an interdisciplinary multi-stakeholder network, grouped into…

Is a Weak Compliance Program Worse Than No Program?
Blog, Compliance & Ethics Programs
Many years ago I was asked by a prospective client if I could design a “C minus” (i.e., just barely passing) compliance program for them. I responded that, for various reasons, by aiming for a C minus they were likely to end up with…

It’s Time to Question Everything About Best-Practice Compliance
Blog, Compliance & Ethics Programs, Corporate Culture, Corruption, Internal ReportingA strong company culture of integrity isn’t just a nice thing to have.

Why It’s Important to Know Who the Victims of Corruption Are
Blog, Compliance & Ethics Programs, CorruptionOne of the more complex and instructive business scandals of the 1980s concerned fraud in the sale of specialty pipe.

Managing Business Ethics
Book Summaries, Cheating & Honesty, Compliance & Ethics Programs, Practitioner, Professor, Researcher, Teaching EthicsManaging Business Ethics: Straight Talk About How To Do It Right
by Linda K. Treviño and Katherine A. Nelson
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 5th ed. (2011) (public library)
Summarized by David Newman
Treviño and Nelson present…

Compliance & Ethics Programs
Compliance & Ethics Programs, Practitioner, Professor, Research Summaries, Researcher
Hammurabi's Code, ca. 1772 BCE, included 282 laws, some
of which often prescribed punishing noncompliance with the
removal of one's hand.
Compliance and ethics (“C&E”) programs are organizational policies…