Law Designed to Protect Uyghurs Restricts Products from Xinjiang
Blog, Human Rights, LawA new law that bans the import of goods produced with forced labor in the Xinjiang, China, presumes that goods manufactured there or that include raw materials from that region deploy forced labor for members of the Uyghur community.

Breaking the Fever: It Takes Two to Tango: In the Life of Oligarchs with Elisabeth Schimpfössl
Blog, Cheating & Honesty, Corporate Governance, Corruption, Law, PodcastIn this episode of our Breaking the Fever podcast, we speak with Elisabeth Schimpfössl about the targeting of Russian oligarchs with economic sanctions and other restrictive measures.

YouTube Amplifies Misinformation and Hatred, But Here’s What We Can Do About It
Blog, LawThe House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol is rightly focused on the actions of former President Trump and those around him.

Is Donated Blood a Gift or a Commodity?
Blog, Incentives, LawAn anthropologist dives into the morally fraught blood and plasma industry and what it reveals about human societies—the good, the bad, and the gory.

What Kenya’s Killer Cops Reveal About Police Culture
Blog, Corruption, Law, TrustAnthropologists studying police violence in Nairobi are uncovering systemic problems that shed light on brutal law enforcement tactics around the world.

6 Ways to Make Electric Car Subsidies More Effective
Blog, LawElectric vehicle subsidies need a radical overhaul to get gas-guzzlers off the road and meet climate targets.

Why Elon Musk Is Going to Be Bad For Twitter
Blog, Corporate Culture, Law, Leadership
Musk’s desire to purchase Twitter may be tied, at least in part, to his still-burning desire to correct what he perceives as media bias generally, and toward him and his companies, which is amplified on social media.
Elon Musk is the richest…

It’s Time to Protect Migrants in Qatar Working on This Year’s World Cup
Blog, Corporate Culture, Human Rights, Law
As these star athletes prepare to compete, they have an opportunity to elevate the issue of fair treatment of migrant workers so that sports fans, journalists, and government officials worldwide pay attention—not just during the World Cup,…

Corporations Are More Insect than Person
Blog, Corporate Culture, Law, Trust
Different businesses can be more or less anthropomorphized in the public eye. And crucially, this shapes how much we trust them.
In the 1982 film Blade Runner, the bioengineered human Roy Batty confronts his maker, Eldron Tyrell, the head…

The Invention of Incarceration
Blog, Compliance & Ethics Programs, Law
Prisons have been controversial since their beginnings in the late 1700s—why do they keep failing to live up to expectations?
As a young girl growing up in Northern California, Ashley Rubin dutifully said her prayers each night before…