How to Cultivate Good Power
Blog, Corporate Culture, Personality & Personnel, Podcast, TrustIn this episode of Re:Thinking with Adam Grant, Adam speaks with Ginni Rometty, the former CEO at IBM.

Getting to the Heart of Team Culture with Pete Carroll
Blog, Corporate Culture, Personality & Personnel, Podcast, TrustIn this episode of Re:Thinking with Adam Grant, Adam speaks with Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll about the ingredients for taking a team to the Super Bowl.

How Ted Lasso Underscores the Importance of Clear Goals and Positive Feedback
Blog, Leadership, TrustApple TV’s wildly successful comedy, Ted Lasso, has returned for a third season.

How to Forge Partnerships That Drive Organizational Change
Blog, Corporate Culture, Leadership, TrustIt’s a surprisingly common problem—businesses become stagnant and stuck in a rut.

Elon Musk and What Makes an Organization Trustworthy
Blog, Corporate Culture, Leadership, Trust“Tell us how you think about trust,” a moderator said to Elon Musk.

David Sloan Wilson: “Chickens, Cooperation, and a Pro-social World”
Blog, Corporate Culture, Podcast, TrustIn this episode of The Great Simplification, host Nate Hagens speaks with David Sloan Wilson about how evolution can be used to explain and understand modern human behavior, particularly with respect to cooperation and pro-social behavior.

The Race to Cooperation
Blog, Corporate Culture, Leadership, Podcast, TrustIn this episode of Re:Thinking with Adam Grant, Adam speaks with Andrea Jones-Rooy, a data scientist who’s skeptical about data (as well as a comedian).

Why Humans Thrive on Rituals
Blog, Corporate Culture, TrustPerhaps most importantly, rituals help solve the central challenge of getting large groups of fiercely tribal primates to cooperate.

3 Things That Could Start to Restore Voters’ Declining Faith in US Elections
Blog, TrustThe 2022 U.S. midterm elections ran relatively smoothly and faced few consequential accusations of fraud or mismanagement.

Misinformation Is Not As Persuasive As People Fear
Blog, Decision Making, Incentives, TrustIn 2017, Collins Dictionary crowned “fake news” its word of the year.