Rethinking DEI in an Era of Outrage

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Efforts to improve DEI could benefit from less yelling and more thinking. Is DEI a long-overdue solution for centuries of prejudice or a diabolical power grab by underqualified progressives? Is it a way to enable a more empowered and effective…

Advancing DEI With More Psychological Safety and Authenticity 

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In Part 1 of this two-part series, I wrote about identifying and removing toxic elements from diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. However, it isn’t just DEI’s combative issues or toxic approaches that can be problematic. Crudely spotlighting diversity and asking employees to take part in the process of enhancing it can cause threats to safety . . .

Detoxifying DEI: How to Clean Up the Reality and Perception of DEI

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As complaints about ill effects fuel criticism of diversity, equity, and inclusion—and companies “rebrand” their efforts to render them less obtrusive—is DEI destined to follow ESG in becoming the “latest dirty word in corporate America”?  

One More Time: Why Diversity Leads To Better Team Performance

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Diversity has several established benefits to team performance. Discussions on diversity in the workplace can be heated and contentious. All too often, we see attitudes toward diversity in the workplace shift like a pendulum, as the explosion…

Who Pays the Price When Cochlear Implants Go Obsolete?

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In 2021, my research assistant and I interviewed Nikhil, a father in Delhi, about his family’s experience getting their deaf son Vikas a cochlear implant.

Do Surges in Worker Strikes and Union Elections in 2022 Mark a Turning Point for Organized Labor?

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Workers organized and took to the picket line in increased numbers in 2022 to demand better pay and working conditions, leading to optimism among labor leaders and advocates that they’re witnessing a turnaround in labor’s sagging fortunes.

It’s Time to Treat “Stateless” People Fairly

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Karina Ambartsoumian-Clough and her parents came to the United States in 1996 when she was 8 years old.

A Better Way to Review Remote Worker Performance

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Few office workers seem to like performance reviews, those annual examinations of how well workers are doing their jobs.

How CEO Pay Shapes Ethical Workplace Culture

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Would there be a benefit to a smaller gap between CEO and employee compensation, in terms of employee perceptions of company culture, motivation, commitment, or other important factors? In 2018, The New York Times ran the headline, “Tesla’s…