Tag Archive for: Culture

Advancing DEI With More Psychological Safety and Authenticity
Blog, Corporate Culture, Diversity, Fairness, Human Rights, Psychological Safety, Speak-Up and Call-Out Culture
Detoxifying DEI: How to Clean Up the Reality and Perception of DEI
Blog, Corporate Culture, Diversity, Fairness, Human Rights, Psychological Safety, Speak-Up and Call-Out Culture
Unveiling the Unobtrusive: The Rising Power of UICs in Culture Measurement
Blog, Corporate Culture, Corporate Culture Assessment, Speak-Up and Call-Out Culture
Positive Psychology & Ethical Organizations
Corporate Culture, Positive Organizational Psychology, Practitioner, Professor, Research Summaries, Researcher
Ready or Risky? Assessing Organizational Preparedness for Political Polarization
Blog, Corporate Culture, Personality & Personnel, Speak-Up and Call-Out Culture
Inquiry into Australia’s Banking and Finance Industry
BlogBy Dennis Gentilin, founding director of Human Systems Advisory and an adjunct fellow at Macquarie University. He was employed at the National Australia Bank for 16 years.
As readers of this blog may know, there is currently an inquiry into the banking and finance industry in Australia. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry in November 2017. Former High Court Judge Kenneth Hayne AC was appointed as the commissioner shortly after the announcement and public hearings commenced earlier this year.

A Behavioral Science Approach to Bank Culture, with Azish Filabi
BlogAt a recent Thomson Reuters forum in New York on culture and behavioral science in the banking industry, Ethical Systems' Executive Director Azish Filabi joined a panel with fellow experts to discuss how research and data helps shape ethics and culture.
We invite you to read a piece on Reuters on the event featuring the following takeaways we share in this blog. Video from the event is also embedded.

Creating and Maintaining a Healthy Corporate Culture: RANE podcast with Azish Filabi
BlogIn this podcast, (Risk Assessment Network + Exchange) RANE’s Serina Vash sits down with Azish Filabi, Executive Director, Ethical Systems, to discuss what drives a healthy corporate culture and best practices for creating and maintaining that culture. Through research and collaboration with the best academics in the field, Azish dedicates her time to helping businesses assess and promote ethical behavior and culture in their organizations.

Azish Filabi Presents on Measuring Corporate Culture at the 2018 OECD Conference
BlogLast week, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) had its annual Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum at their headquarters in Paris. Entitled Planet Integrity: Building a Fairer Society, over 2,000 attendees discussed how integrity plays a role in improving economic inequality, enhances the benefits of public policies and government programs, and more broadly equalizes the gains of globalization.
Ethical Systems won one of the OECD Research Edge competition awards. The paper, co-written by Caterina Bulgarella and myself, provided the summary of our culture assessment framework, which demystifies an often complex organizational issue: how to define and measure ethical culture.

COMMENTARY: Safeguarding financial firm cultures: five focus factors for directors
BlogBoard members have the difficult job of overseeing the success of a firm without getting involved in day-to-day management or operations. Increasingly, they are expected to understand compliance and other risks of misbehavior, particularly as those risks have been shown to impact financial performance.
In a commentary I co-wrote with Mike Silva, Partner and Chair of the Financial Services Regulatory practice at DLA Piper, we emphasize the role of corporate culture in promoting good behavior as well as financial stability.