Conflicts of Interest and the Dark Side of Professionalism
Blog, Conflicts of Interest, Personality & Personnel
A high self-concept of professionalism often coexists with a shallow notion of the concept and can paradoxically lead to detrimental outcomes.
Perhaps my favorite ethics story is when the senior partner of a law firm was confronted by a…

Why Banning Financing for Fossil Fuel Projects in Africa Isn’t a Climate Solution
Blog, Conflicts of Interest, Corporate Culture, Fairness, Human Rights, Law
When it comes to carbon dioxide emissions, sub-Saharan Africa is collectively responsible for barely half a percent of all global emissions over time.
Today’s global energy inequities are staggering.
Video gamers in California…

Include Moral Hazards in Your Company’s Risk Assessment
Blog, Conflicts of Interest
Perhaps the most consequential example of moral hazard in our lifetime concerns climate change.
Notwithstanding its name, the concept of moral hazard originally had little to do with morality. Rather, it referred to the phenomenon that providing…

The Dirty Secret of Over-Performing ESG Funds, and More, in a Q&A with Alison Taylor
Blog, Conflicts of Interest, Corporate Governance, Corruption
Praveen Gupta, formerly the Managing Director & CEO at Raheja QBE General Insurance Company Ltd, recently interviewed Alison Taylor on his blog. We're glad to be sharing the conversation, which hits a wide range of topics, with you…

Do Compliance Officers Have an Inherent Conflict of Interest?
Blog, Compliance & Ethics Programs, Conflicts of Interest
Should compliance be subordinated to legal, rather than separated from it? Yes, argues Sean J. Griffith, of the Fordham University School of Law, in a recent paper, titled "Agency, Authority, and Compliance." This is an interesting and…

Conflicts of Interest in a Post-Trump Era
Blog, Conflicts of Interest, Corruption
Donald Trump has averaged 2.5 conflicts of interest during each day of his presidency.
In a classic Watergate-era Doonesbury, Mark asks a rhetorical question. Is it fair to judge the ethicality of the White House based solely on the various…

Barings Bank
Accounting, Case Study, Conflicts of Interest, Corporate Governance, Practitioner, Professor, ResearcherEthicalSystems.org Case Study: Barings Bank
A collaborative effort by Jennifer Fang and Joshua Elle
“As my noble friend Lord Hollick argued, trading is all about the control of a collection of
rogues—of strongly motivated, financially…

The Lucifer Effect
Book Summaries, Cheating & Honesty, Conflicts of Interest, Contextual Influences, Corruption, Fairness, Human Rights, Practitioner, Professor, ResearcherThe Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil
by Philip Zimbardo
Random House Publishing Group, 1st Ed. Reprint (2008) (public library)
Summarized by Joshua Elle
In a compelling story of his own life's journey, Phil…

Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of Interest, Practitioner, Professor, Research Summaries, Researcher
Image: Giotto di Bondone, "Kiss of Judas," via Wikimedia Commons
Bribery, kickbacks, and other clear-cut forms of corruption are serious problems for genuine bad apples; however, much of the problem with conflicts of interest…